How would someone express their unconditional love for you? Well, the greatest gift someone could give you is to love you for who you are and in spite of yourself.
When Disaster Strikes!
Put Me to the test. I am here with outstretched arms to bring you comfort. No matter how difficult the circumstances, I can give you perfect peace, freedom from fear, and strength to pull you through.
Words of comfort from Jesus
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Suffering often brings out the best in those who choose not to become embittered or hardened, and engenders love, tenderness, goodness, and concern for others. The Bible says, “We comfort others with the comfort that we ourselves are comforted with [by] God” (2 Corinthians 1:4). Often those who turn to God for comfort and strength in their suffering later want to point others to the One who can also ease their sufferings and help them solve their problems —God and His love.
Song (MP3) : “Does Jesus Care?” by Frank E. Graeff