Be encouraged that you can realize the desires of your heart and accomplish your ideas and dreams. Not in pursuit of success or accolades, but for what matters; the performance of making them reality!
Where your mind goes, your actions will follow. This message is about disciplining your mind to think positive, constructive thoughts to guide your life.
Have you ever speculated if there could be any benefit from a storm? We all face storms in life. Check out this presentation to find what benefit could be gained from a storm.
Let God Rewrite Your Story
Possibly, you’ve heard these sayings: ‘You are not what has happened to you’ and ‘Your past does not determine your future’. God can make these a reality for you. With Him, you can have all burdens of the past erased and live a better, brighter future.
A Symphony
This is to encourage you that there is Someone Who can make music from even the discordant times of life.
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