“You, sir, are a fool who could not lie straight in bed. It is beneath me to even address you,” wrote an online respondent to Ray Comfort’s blog, “but I was passing by and saw this tripe, and I could not constrain myself.”
The lively interaction on his Atheist Central blog with scores of atheists and agnostics has given Comfort insight into the skeptical mind and led him to conclude that atheism rests on a remarkably illogical and unscientific premise that became the title of his latest book, Nothing Created Everything.
“I found over the last year, when I said an atheist is someone who believes nothing created everything, they go berserk and say, ‘We don’t believe that,'” said Comfort, co-host of “The Way of the Master” television show with actor Kirk Cameron and the head of Bellflower, Calif.-based Living Waters ministry.
But Comfort insists atheists clearly believe nothing created everything.
“All you have to do is push them into a corner and say, ‘So, you’re an atheist?’ ‘Yep.’ ‘So you believe that nothing created everything, a scientific impossibility?’ And they’ll say, ‘Well, no.’ ‘So you believe something created everything?’ And they say, ‘Well, yeah. Something did, obviously.’ ‘So you’re not an atheist?’ ‘OK, I’m not an atheist.’
“This something you believe created everything,” Comfort continued, “do you think it was intelligent? I mean, could you create a bird or a flower or a tree or a blade of grass from nothing?’ And they’ll say, ‘No, I can’t do that.’ ‘Well, is this something you believe created everything intelligent?’ And they’ll say, ‘Obviously.’ And I’ll say, ‘Congratulations, you’ve just become an anti-science knuckle-dragger in the eyes of our learning institutions, because you believe in intelligent design.'”
To help make the point in his book, Comfort culled quotes from leading scientists who believe “nothing created everything,” including the unofficial leader of the popular atheist movement, Richard Dawkins.
Dawkins, in his 2004 book The Ancestor’s Tale wrote, “The fact that life evolved out of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years after the universe evolved literally out of nothing, is a fact so staggering that I would be mad to attempt words to do it justice.”
Comfort also cites physicist Robert A.J. Matthews of Ashton University in England, who wrote, “It is now becoming clear that everything can—and probably did—come from nothing.”
“The whole thought that nothing created everything is an intellectual embarrassment for atheists,” Comfort said. “Such thoughts show that the atheist doesn’t think, and proves the Bible right when it says that the fool has said in his heart that there is no God.”
Comfort offered $20,000 to Dawkins to debate him on BBC radio, but the British scientist has not responded.
Comfort noted, however, Dawkins has offered his estimation of him, which graces the cover of Nothing Created Everything: “[Ray Comfort] is an ignorant fool.”
“He gave me a special condemnation for my book,” Comfort remarked, “which is delightful.”
But Comfort said his ultimate concern is for Dawkins’ soul.
“Now that he’s in his 60s, it won’t be long until he goes to meet his maker. And I want him to think deeply before he passes into eternity, because he is of worth to God and to me.”
Comfort contends that many atheists, including Dawkins, engage in a “reverse idolatry.” “Instead of taking nice things and creating a congenial god, they make a repulsive god,” he explained.
Dawkins, Comfort said, goes through the Old Testament and picks out the harsh judgments of God “and makes an idol that’s repulsive.”
“But the problem is the god that Richard Dawkins doesn’t believe in, doesn’t exist,” Comfort said. The God of the Bible, he contends, “is the God of righteousness and holiness and justice and truth and love and mercy.”
He contends that while many atheists and agnostics assert religious believers abandon science and reason, defenders of Darwinian evolutionary theory actually must have a “childlike faith” to accept its tenets.
Comfort said that “time is the god of evolutionists,” who believe that with enough time anything can happen. “Time performs miracles. Time is the creator,” he said.
“You can say to them, ‘Okay, there’s nothing in your garage. Could you believe in 10,000 years a Mercedes would evolve out of nothing? You’d say, No, that’s ridiculous.’ ‘So, what about 100,000 years?’ ‘No, that’s stupid.’ But if you start talking billions of years, they’ll suddenly go glaze-eyed and, ‘Yeah, I could believe that, a Mercedes could evolve out of nothing over billions of years.’ So time is their miracle worker.”
(Commnentary:) A Mercedes is actually far less intricate and complex than the human body, so how much more illogical is it that the human body evolved out of some chemical sludge sloshing around in some primordial sea billions of years ago!
It takes more faith to be an atheist than it does to believe in the Lord, although most atheists will deny it. And while atheists and skeptics try to bring science to their defense of unbelief, there’s more science pointing to the Creator than there is to the lack of one. That’s why so many great scientists down through history have been committed Christians, and many are today, even in this age of science and technology.
So don’t let yourself be put on the defensive when you encounter a skeptic who wants to debate your beliefs. You have valid reasons for your faith, and a firm foundation to stand on. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should become belligerent or upset when questioned, like some Christians do. You can often quietly and effectively turn the tables by answering a question with a question of your own, as this man does. And whether the person receives your words or not, you can still be a witness of the Lord’s love, compassion, understanding and concern. Remember, love never fails.
Thanks, it is quite informative
Thanks for the wonderful article