You can pray this prayer as your own for a wonderful Christmas and a blessed life throughout the year.
Christmas is Light
Be sure to make room in your life. He visited our world to bring us into His world and He will dwell with you if you let Him. Though invisible to our senses, He is very real and invites you into His love and light.
Christmas Greetings 2024
Greetings to you during this bright time of year!
We hope this season fills you up with the things that mean most to you and energizes you for a happy and healthy year ahead.
Click the button ‘TEXT’ to open and download.
God’s Perfect Answer
The Baby Who Changed the World
God chose to be born a baby and sacrifice His own life in our place to bring us to Himself. A certain truth is that it was not man’s idea for the Son of God to be born in a stable.
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