Most of the greatest saints the world has ever known were little people who just did what they thought should be done whether others ever heard about it or not!
If we have real love for the Lord and others, we’ll do whatever needs to be done!
What is Greatness?
True greatness, true leadership, is achieved not by reducing men to one’s service, but by giving oneself in selfless service to them.
Thoughts on Humility
What is Humility?
True humility is not to belittle yourself and not to be so negative about yourself that you dwell on your weaknesses and your inadequacies, but rather you praise the Lord that; because He saved us, because He created us and because He lives in us, we have worth.
The Stray Dog
Where can we find the wisdom to turn a no-win situation into a win-win situation, the strength to buck our stubborn nature, or the courage to make the first move?
A Lesson in Communication