The Power of Thanksgiving
The Power of Thanksgiving”The Power of Thanksgiving” accentuates the exceptional power of gratitude. By noticing things and choosing to express thankfulness for them, the peace of God, that transcends all understanding, is unleashed on your heart and mind.
Joy vs Happiness
“Joy vs Happiness” distinguishes the differences between the two and points to the source of a lasting joy that does not depend upon the circumstances of life that surround us and try to dominate our behavior.
Joy is not happiness on steroids. It is not happiness squared. Every healthy human being has the capacity to feel happiness, but joy is something entirely different, made up of its own unique substance. -Stasi Eldredge
“Spring” is a message full of quotes expressing exuberance at the sight of life returning to the landscape each and every year.
The creation is both a monument of God’s power and a looking-glass in which we may see His wisdom.
Words of Wisdom on Happiness
“Words of Wisdom on Happiness” are quotes that shed light on what happiness truly is spoken by people who have many life experiences under their belt.
It isn’t your position that makes you happy or unhappy, it’s your disposition.