This message points out that thanksgiving tends to create more good in your life and helps you face problems and challenges to overcome them.
The Power of Thank You
Explore the depths of this concept of the power of ‘Thank You’ simply by putting it into practice. There’s so much more you can experience by doing it than by just musing over it in your mind. Happy Thanksgiving!
Practice Thanksgiving
Put the powerful act of gratitude to work in your life. Here are just a few tips on ways you can employ this underused resource.
The Power of Thanksgiving
The Power of Thanksgiving”The Power of Thanksgiving” accentuates the exceptional power of gratitude. By noticing things and choosing to express thankfulness for them, the peace of God, that transcends all understanding, is unleashed on your heart and mind.
Thankful for Everything
Turn your ‘negative’ into a ‘positive’ by expressing thankfulness and gratitude. You can turn an apparent negative mode of thinking into thanking, which positively empowers us.