The Christian’s chief occupational hazards are depression and discouragement. God does not despair of you, therefore you ought not to despair of yourself. It is impossible for that person to despair who remembers that their Helper is omnipotent.
You Can Change
You can change your life, because I can change anybody who comes to Me, seeking to fulfill My will for their life.
If I made the world and everything in it, don’t you see that it’s a small thing for Me to transform a single life into something better to fulfill My purpose and plan?
The Mind is Your Battleground
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
You can’t change anything if you can’t change your thinking.
11 Tips on Adopting the Simple Life
Be content with less. Money doesn’t bring happiness, so rather than fretting about what you don’t have, reflect on all that you do have, and be grateful.
Focus on the priorities. What are the most important things in life? When you’re focused on the real priorities, material goods don’t matter as much. Spend more time investing in your relationship with the Lord, your family and others, and worry less about how much money you have.
Changing Mindsets
The definition of Mindset is: a set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines somebody’s behavior and outlook.
Clearly, our mindset affects our outlook and, most importantly, our behavior.