Breaking bad habits: You may think it’s not possible for you to change, but if you really want to and are sincerely willing to, God can change you by the miracle-working power of His Spirit. He’ll do things you can’t do!
U Turn
I think there is nothing more exhausting than merely going through the motions, heading full-speed-ahead to some random, meaningless destination.
Thought Poison 1
There are many sides to gossip, but of this you can be sure—all sides of gossip are bad.
Someone described a wise man as saying, “You are lord of your tongue, but I am also master of my ears.” Be wise! Refuse to listen to gossip.
Thought Poison 2
Conversation is a big part of our psychological environment. Some conversation is healthy. It encourages you. It makes you feel like you’re taking a walk in the warm sunshine of a spring day. Some conversation makes you feel like a winner. But other conversation is more like walking through a poisonous, radioactive cloud. It chokes you. It makes you feel ill. It turns you into a loser.
The Tongue
You’ve probably heard or said yourself some time, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me.” Well, that isn’t true!
Sticks and stones can make surface wounds, but words can wound even deeper and take a long time to heal.