Put your hand into the hand of God, and let Him lead you out into the bright sunshine of His love.
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1
A Lesson from a Robin
Jesus tells us to consider God’s dependable care and to trust Him.
Why worry? We are in God’s hands!
The greatest victories are the victories of faith. It is not so much what we can do that counts, but what we can trust God to do.
The Will of God
Without God’s guidance, His gravitational pull on us in the spiritual world, we would get out of the wellplanned orbit of His will. Learn His will in order to let His light and power into the room of your life.
The first requirement for finding God’s will is: Having no will of your own!
A thankful spirit is a healthy spirit. As the twists and turns of life lead to feelings of being out of control, sometimes our attitude is all that we have control over. Develop a thankful attitude. Sometimes life is all about how we look at it!
Top 10 Reasons to Smile
Smiling: Makes Us Attractive, Changes Our Mood, Is Contagious, Relieves Stress, Boosts Your Immune System, Lowers Your Blood Pressure, Is A Natural Drug, Makes You Look Younger, Makes You Seem Successful, Helps You Stay Positive