I have been used for many years to study the histories of other times, and to examine and weigh the evidence of those who have written about them, and I know of no one fact in the history of mankind which is proved by better and fuller evidence of every sort, than the great sign which God has given us that Christ died and rose again from the dead.
—Thomas Arnold, English historian (1795-1842)
The Miracle of Easter
Are caterpillars told of their impending resurrection?—How in dying they will be transformed from poor earth-crawlers into creatures of the air, with exquisitely painted wings? If told, do they believe it? I imagine the wise old caterpillars shaking their heads—no, it can’t be; it’s a fantasy.”
The Easter Story
Jesus suffered the spiritual agony of the dying sinner–lost, without salvation, without God, dying for his sins. Only in Jesus’ case He was dying for our sins, the sins of the whole world. He was willing to go through all that so we could be forgiven and have eternal life. Such love!
Three days after His lifeless body was buried, something happened that shocked His enemies and proved to all of His followers that He really was the Son of God: He arose from the dead, the victor over death and Hell forever!
What Jesus said on the Cross
Everything that Jesus said on the cross was a different expression of His love. His Words spoken then still move people today.
The True Meaning of Easter
Would you like to live in the forever, instead of the today? Would you like to see your life as counting for eternity, and not lost in the mishmash of everyday problems and trivia?
I know that you do, and Jesus knows that you have a need to reach out beyond the physical, beyond your day-to-day routine, beyond the millions of details of life that would drag you down.