I Am the New Year
“The New Year like a book lies before me;
On its cover two words, “My Life,” I see.
I open the covers and look between–
Each page is empty, no words can be seen,
For I am a writer, I hold the pen
That’ll fill these pages to be read by men.”
–Gertrude Laura Gast
New Year, Fresh Start
The most important thing in your new year is your relationship with Me. Because with Me at your side, you’re guaranteed to make it through whatever this new year may hold. It’s been said that life on earth is a testing ground and a learning experience, and with Me as your guide and coach, you’re sure to be successful. – Words from Jesus
At the Close of the Year
I see not a step before me as I tread on another year; but I’ve left the past in God’s keeping—the future His mercy shall clear; and what looks dark in the distance may brighten as I draw near. —Mary Gardiner Brainard (1837–1905)
Life is all about the little decisions you make every day. Decisions of the past have had their effect, but every new day can be a new start. No matter what has happened up till now, you have a chance to make the right decisions today.