Explore the depths of this concept of the power of ‘Thank You’ simply by putting it into practice. There’s so much more you can experience by doing it than by just musing over it in your mind. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank God for What You Have
Thoughtfully observe and ponder everything good you have and experience in this life. The objective is to acquire and maintain a perspective of thankfulness.
Crickets, Music and Misunderstandings
Have you noticed just how easily we can arrive at a misunderstanding? Here’s an uncomplicated solution, but may require extra effort.
How Can You Use Words for Good?
“How Can You Use Words for Good?” offers us tips on where, when, and how to use words as a constructive and productive influence with people and situations in life.
A Little Boost
“A Little Boost” is a poem by Walter E. Isenhour that gives insights and tips on how to comfort, encourage and inspire someone in difficulty.