This message, “Are You Speaking Death or Life?”, reveals just how powerful words are in affecting matter, emotions, and feelings. Take a close look at the influence words have on all aspects of your life and the lives of others, whether expressed by us or to us.
What’s in Your Cup?
“What’s in Your Cup?” is an allegory of how what is inside of us, in our mind and heart, will come out instinctively when we’re dealt an emotional and/or physical blow of some kind that shakes us up and causes us to react.
Always Be Kind
“Always Be Kind” is a message that challenges us to use what is referred to as ‘fellow feeling’, which is empathy. It appeals to our more noble ideas and efforts as a means of communicating with and helping those with whom we come in contact.
“Communication” reveals to us what it means to truly communicate, which involves listening as a prerequisite. A natural tendency is to be thinking of a response in place of listening to and understanding what is being said.
The Power of Your Words
This message, “The Power of Your Words”, emphasizes just how powerful spoken words are and gives us a strong word of advice as to how we use our words.
Words are real things! They bless or they curse, they lift up or they knock down, they save or they damn!