You’ve probably heard the saying “Mind over matter”. This message could be termed “Mood over mindset” due to the fact that it speaks to how our state of mind affects our behavior.
Think You Can’t Change?
Everything in this life changes; our bodies, our minds, circumstances and conditions. In this message, we are talking more specifically about changing your mind, the way you think, in order to change your life.
The Dwelling Place of God
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. There are many things in life that compete for your attention and devotion. It’s always beneficial to focus on the good and not be dragged down by the negative.
Against All Hope
“Against All Hope” attests to the fact that: Faith is not logical. But isn’t illogical either. Faith is theological. It does not ignore reality; it just adds God into the equation.
Where your mind goes, your actions will follow. This message is about disciplining your mind to think positive, constructive thoughts to guide your life.