Human nature is very complex and deep. The Johari Window gives you a glimpse into that mysterious world of personality and identity.
Be True to Yourself
“Be True to Yourself” is about living the truth that is in you and being confidant despite your flaws because you have purpose in life.
Character and Conduct
“Character and Conduct” defines what each of these is and how they operate in each of our lives. These have more to do with who you truly are and not just your reputation; that is, what people think you are.
“Communication” reveals to us what it means to truly communicate, which involves listening as a prerequisite. A natural tendency is to be thinking of a response in place of listening to and understanding what is being said.
A True Friend
“A True Friend” is a message that gives insight as to what it is to truly be a friend and that in order to have friends one must be friendly.
“Celebrate the people in your life who are there because they love you for no other reason than because you are YOU.” ― Mandy Hale