“Vincent’s Heart” is a message that explores the thoughts and feelings of the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh that are taken from letters written to his brother Theo.
“I am an artist… It’s self-evident that what that word implies is looking for something all the time without ever finding it in full. It is the opposite of saying, ‘I know all about it. I’ve already found it.’
The Power of Your Words
This message, “The Power of Your Words”, emphasizes just how powerful spoken words are and gives us a strong word of advice as to how we use our words.
Words are real things! They bless or they curse, they lift up or they knock down, they save or they damn!
A Work In Progress
Imperfections, faults and failings in others aren’t the sad things in life.
What is truly sad is to have such myopic vision as to see only faults, when God has placed before you opportunities for growth and learning through patience, forgiveness, faith and love.
Chasing Happiness
I have learned that happiness is a choice, and one that I must make every day.
Circumstances don’t need to be perfect for me to choose to be happy and thankful for what I have and to make the most of it.
Loving Presentation
Actually, the words we say are not always as important as how we say them. But people can overlook our being frank if they see that we sincerely care about them.